Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2008
Montag, 15. Dezember 2008
Ready steady go!
Last weekend we took the opportunity to test this winter's first snow. Together with some good friends I went to the Obertauern ski resort in Austria for two days of snowboarding. Although it was quite foggy and stormy on Saturday we spent all day on the slope. A great feeling and loads of fun! Fortunately, we had sunny weather on Sunday so we could actually see what the ski resort looked like and explore it a bit more. After coming back to Passau by coach in the evening, I immediately fell into bed - exhausted but happy.

Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008
Es weihnachtet mal wieder...
Jajaja, it's christmas time again and while the year draws to a close I'm getting more and more sentimental (am I getting old now?!). Fabulous memories of christmas time one year ago with Swedish christmas markets, glögg and pepparkakor, julpost, ice skating in Kungsträgarden and Gröna Lund... and especially today as TV and radio speak non-stop about the Nobel Peace prize being awarded in Oslo with the Stockholm Nobel prize cerenomy following tomorrow - no wonder I'm getting sentimental! (extenuating circumstances - yippie, I'm not getting old yet :-)
Other than that I'm also enjoying christmas time here in Passau with nice little "Nikolausfeiern" (St Nicholas parties) among friends and -självklart- visits to the christmas market. I'm even planning to bake some "tyska kakor" and write christmas cards ... somehow these christmas rituals give me a feeling of "being home" (wherever I am) ...
Other than that I'm also enjoying christmas time here in Passau with nice little "Nikolausfeiern" (St Nicholas parties) among friends and -självklart- visits to the christmas market. I'm even planning to bake some "tyska kakor" and write christmas cards ... somehow these christmas rituals give me a feeling of "being home" (wherever I am) ...
Montag, 24. November 2008
Old acquaintances..
Yesterday evening I watched the last episode of the thriller series "Forbrydelsen" (Kommissarin Lund). At one point I thought "I know that one person on the screen from somewhere" (as it happens quite often those last weeks...too many old faces I haven't seen in more than one year...). And yes, it was Kim Bodnia, the Danish actor I guided at the Stockholm film festival last year. It's a small world! (Foto: zdf)

Mittwoch, 12. November 2008
The infinite is in the finite of every instant...
Yesterday I was at a nice funk-jazz concert of a band called Ronin. Very inspiring. If you like that kind of music and are open to experience something new look up their myspace page and visit their concerts if you have a chance to do so!
By the way and kind of suiting: Did someone recently watch "The Drummer" (Die Reise des chinesischen Trommlers) by coincidence? Quite liked it as one could take something from it even if the story itself was a bit too stereotypical...

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008
Back in Passau
Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008
Tillbaka i Sverige (25.-28. September)
How nice to come back to that place where I spent a good portion of the last year. It's autumn again, the trees have the same intensive red-yellowish colour as one year ago and contrast to the blue of the lakes and the sky. Good feeling to see everyone again. My good friends Ken and Maria, the Erasmus "veterans" living in Stockholm now, my flatmate Ann and Annika who was also visiting Stockholm that same weekend. Feels a bit like coming home and yet I'm aware of being only a visitor - will that be the case of any place I'm coming back to?
Mittwoch, 24. September 2008
A Paris (22.-24. September)
Quick update: I left Toulouse on Monday and made it to Paris with all my luggage, before heading to Stockholm tonight! More updates soon!
Merci pour tout ma chère Florence!!!
Freitag, 1. August 2008
C'est les vacances!
Oh yes, it's summer! And it's holiday time! As I've never been part of the working population before, it's only now that I start wondering how come our economy is working at all during the summer months?! And where these many cars on the southbound motorways come from every weekend! I'm literally alone in my department and the heat outside doesn't actually support my working motivation... but luckily, I was able to take some days off as well to spend time with my family at both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic (once again :-)
At the Mediterranean, my mum had organised a wonderful holiday flat in the old town centre of Collioure, a pitoresque village at the most southern Mediterranean coast of France close to the Pyreenees and the Spanish border. We spent some very nice days sunbathing, tasting wine and visiting the Roussillon region. After a short stop in Toulouse we headed to the Atlantic where we rented a cosy flat in the old town of Ciboure near St-Jean-de-Luz.
At the Mediterranean, my mum had organised a wonderful holiday flat in the old town centre of Collioure, a pitoresque village at the most southern Mediterranean coast of France close to the Pyreenees and the Spanish border. We spent some very nice days sunbathing, tasting wine and visiting the Roussillon region. After a short stop in Toulouse we headed to the Atlantic where we rented a cosy flat in the old town of Ciboure near St-Jean-de-Luz.
Montag, 30. Juni 2008
Fête de la musique! (21. Juni)
Last weekend Toulouse was one big music festival! When the Swedish celebrate Midsommar it is "la fête de la musique" in France! Already during the day there are concerts all around town, but in the evening Toulouse (and all the other big French cities) are one big party! Bands at every corner of the street, people dancing all around the place - a crazy atmosphere!

At the same time, it was the worldmusic festival Rio Loco which presents every year music of a different part of the world, this year the Balkans! So on Sunday evening we could get to know a part of the culture from the regions between Bucharest and Budapest - very interesting! At first we listened to a Romanian brass band called Fanfare Ciocarlia supported by the singer Esma Redzepova and afterwards the clarinetist David Krakauer played Klezmer at its finest! Genau mein Ding!

Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008
And yet another shore...
Freitag, 13. Juni 2008
Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008
Off to new shores
However, the accomodating circumstances of living in a shared flat with nice flatmates, starting an interesting internship right away and getting to know other trainees from all over Europe as well as a big range of cultural events and activities made it quite easy for me to settle in here. I'm sure I'll have a very pleasant summer in Toulouse!
Annemie's travels through Europe
Times are changing. Actually, I haven't found the title of my blog appropriate anymore for quite a time. After all, what I was writing about didn't only concern Sweden. Sweden has been the base of my "expeditions" for the last year, but my writing was also influenced by all the other European countries I visited and not least the people from all over the world I met, talked to and became friends with. Moving to France will mean a potentiation of these different (cross-)cultural experiences. That finally made me change the title (and url!) of my blog. "Travels" opens a broad semantic field, including physical and mental journeys which both contribute to the experiences shaping my writing. "through European society/ies and beyond" is also to be understood in those two contexts. I don't forget that those cultural differences I come across are relative in a cosmopolitan perspective. After all, compared to peoples on the other side of the globe, European's share a quite homogeneous mindset, in my opinion an opportunity to move from talking about European societies to European society. And the differences in habits and behaviour which remain plus influences resulting from exchange with other parts of the world ("beyond") give the soup of European culture it's special spice. Exciting, don't you agree?! We'll see what I'll come up with...
Freitag, 16. Mai 2008
Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008
Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008
Alles neu macht der Mai
Jösses! You never remember how nice springtime actually is! Especially here, after a long grey winter, it is just amazing to see the nature awake and flourish. We already had such warm and sunny days and together with the deep blue Swedish sky it just feels wonderful to go outside and simply enjoy. For me it is also high time as I'll be leaving beautiful Sweden much too soon! But I guess it's not yet today that I become melancholic and start to resume the 10 last months - now it's time to go outside!
PS: Here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks including a much too rainy Valborg and my two birthday parties!

PS: Here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks including a much too rainy Valborg and my two birthday parties!
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