Impressive! For me, who has never been at "the ocean" before, that was what I thought when I first saw the Atlantic last Friday! It was quite windy and strong waves where breaking loudly at the shore, the white foamy water pulling your feet powerfully back towards the sea (pardon, the ocean ;-). Perfect for what we came for: surfing! Well, maybe I should rather say perfect for people who actually came for SURFING and not for "somehow trying to get from a face-down position to your feet in a split second while the slippy something under you and the thunderous something around you move at different paces and into different directions while your body just wants to do what gravity teaches it"! you might guess now it was not as easy as it looked and I reckon for most of us actually standing on their feet (ON the board ON a wave) for a couple of seconds was the biggest gratification! But luckily everything else was really nice too, so those who didn't get satisfaction from the surfing *äächchem* could get it from jumping into the waves, succeeding in passing over a volleyball 50 times without letting it fall or simply getting the tan (or the sunburn?!) they should actually have gotten in Toulouse during the last weeks. All in all, a really enjoyable weekend at the OCEAN!
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